The creative geniuses at my residence - yes, the Bedford Street Mansion - have gone into business. Kind of.
Ryan and I (with what believe to be some kind of metaphysical, out-of-body, psychokinetic assistance from Nathan via Jacksonville) decided that we wanted the world to be wearing our t-shirts whereever they went. T-shirts that mean something. That stand for something. That gloriously rip off ideas so much better than anything we could have thought of ourselves.
We therefore humbly present to you...
Bedford Street Elite Clothing: T-shirts for People
We like them. Probably a lot more than you will. I can't vouch for the quality of the material used in the ringers, but I can vouch for the sheer humiliation you'll feel when wearing one of them. Plus you can feel free to swtich up colors, sizes and styles. It's like a free market economy in that regard.
I'll be back soon after the New Year to write something of worth.
(NOTE: Read the "Long Descriptions" for each of the shirts. I think they're funny. Yes I wrote them. Please humor me. Thanks.)